Emmanuel Fleurantin

About Me

I am a postdoctoral research fellow under the mentorship of Christopher K.R.T. Jones.

I am affiliated with the department of mathematics at George Mason University and the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at UNC Chapel Hill.

  • Research Interests
    • Dynamical Systems
    • Numerical Methods for ODEs and PDEs
    • Computation of Smooth Invariant Manifolds
    • Computer Assisted Proof in Dynamics
    • Data Assimilation
    • Mathematical Biology


Florida Atlantic University (FAU)

Fall 2021 Doctor of Philosophy, Mathematics

Co-advisors: Dr. J.D. Mireles James and Dr. V. Naudot.
Dissertation title: Formation, evolution, and breakdown of invariant tori in dissipative systems: from visualization to computer assisted proofs. Successful defense October 8, 2021.

Florida Atlantic University (FAU)

Spring 2018 Master of Science, Mathematics

Advisor: Dr. Jason Mireles-James.
Thesis title: On the study of the Aizawa system. Successful defense March 29, 2018.

Florida Atlantic University (FAU)

Spring 2018 Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security

Teaching/Mentorship Experience at GMU

Computational Dynamics (MATH 689)

Spring 2024

Introduction to Applied Math (MATH 314)

Spring 2023

MEGL Undergraduate Research (MATH 491)

Fall 2022, Fall 2024

Teaching Experience at FAU

Introduction to Calculus with Applications (MAC 2210)

Fall 2021

Calculus 1 (MAC 2311)

Fall 2020

Methods of Calculus (MAC 2233)

Spring 2017, Spring 2019, Spring 2021

Introductory Statistics (STA 2023)

Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2020

Precalulus Algebra (MAC 1140)

Summer 2018, Fall 2018

Trigonometry (MAC 1114)

Summer 2017

College Algebra (MAC 1105)

Fall 2016, Fall 2019

Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1033)

Summer 2021 (Second half)

Matrix Theory (MAS 2103) - Teaching assistant

Summer 2020 (first half)

Calculus 3 (MAC 2313), Engineering Math 1 (MAP 3305) - Teaching assistant

Summer 2019

Calculus 1 (MAC 2311) - Teaching assistant

Fall 2018

Advising and Training

Faculty Mentor

Mason Experimental Geometry Lab (MEGL) project "Existence (and Stability) of Traveling Waves in Heterogeneous Reaction-Diffusion Systems" (Fall 2024)

Faculty Mentor

Project on using data-assimilation on a low-order climate model (Fall 2023)

Faculty Mentor

Mason Experimental Geometry Lab (MEGL) project "Tipping in Climate Impact Models" (Fall 2022)

Conference, Seminars, and Workshop Organization


Minisymposium on Stability of Traveling Waves - Theoretical and Numerical Methods at the 2024 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures


AMS Special Session on Recent Developments in Nonlinear and Computational Dynamics at the 2024 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting


American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) workshop on Computer assisted Proofs for Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Waves (June 2023)


SIAM Minisymposium on Applications of the Maslov Index at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) in January 2023 in Boston, MA


FAU SIAM Student Chapter Colloquium Series (Fall 2020 to Fall 2021)

Research Support, Fellowships and Awards

National Science Foundation Grant DMS - 2137947: Computing Invariant Manifolds and Assimilating Data in Tipping Problems

january 2022-Present

FAU Graduate Grant

Summer 2021

Travel Award for NSF-CBMS Conference: Fitting Smooth Functions to Data

August 2019

Travel Award to Visit Université de Lilles, France

December 2018

Service and Scholarly Activities

Journal Referee

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (CNSNS), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC), SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS), Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Nonlinearity


Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics local student chapter (August 2020-August 2021)

Professional and Research Communities Memberships

American Mathematical Society (AMS)

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

Mathematics and Climate Research Network (MCRN)

Coding Skills





Summer Schools, Conferences or Visits

3rd ASCEND Mentor Network Fellowship Conference

October 2024

Hosted at Vanderbilt University

SIAM Annual Meeting (AN24)

July 2024

Spokane, WA

Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences (CAARMS) 2024

June 2024

hosted at Tufts University

SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures

June 2024

Baltimore, MD

2024 National Association of Mathematicians Faculty Conference on Research and Teaching Excellence

April 2024

hosted at Howard University

AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting

April 2024

hosted at Howard University

Mathematics in Digital Twins (MATH-DT Workshop)

December 2023

Hosted at George Mason University (Arlington Campus)

16th Annual Symposium on BEER (Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research)

November 2023

Hosted at Virginia Commonwealth University

Non-autonomous Dynamics in Complex Systems: Theory and Applications to Critical Transitions (NADCOM23)

October 2023

Hosted at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

2nd ASCEND Mentor Network Fellowship Conference

October 2023

Hosted at Iowa State University

International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)

August 2023

Hosted at Waseda University

Workshop on Computer Assisted Proofs for Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Waves

June 2023

San Jose, CA

The 13th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications

June 2023

Wilmington, NC

Mathematics and Climate Research Network Meeting

May 2023

Portland, OR

SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems

May 2023

Portland, OR

East Coast Optimization Meeting 2023 (virtual)

April 2023

Hosted by George Mason University (GMU)

1st ASCEND Mentor Network Fellowship Conference

February 2023

Hosted by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

Spring Opportunities Workshop 2023

January 2023

Hosted by the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)

Joint Mathematics Meetings 2023

January 2023

Boston, MA

M@TH Hub Mini-Conference

December 2022

Hosted by the Georgia Institute of Technology

SIAM Washington-Baltimore Section Fall meeting

November 2022

Arlington, VA

SIAM Mathematics of Planet Earth Conference 2022 (SIAM MPE 2022)

July 2022

Pittsburgh, PA

Dynamics, Topology and Computations 2022 (DyToComp 2022)

June 2022

Bedlewo, Poland

Visit to Brigham Young University, Department of Mathematics

Feb 2022

Worked with Dr. Blake Barker

SIAM Annual Meeting (virtual)

July 2021

SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (virtual)

May 2021

formerly in Portland, OR

AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting (virtual)

March 2021

Hosted by the Georgia Institute of Technology

2nd SIAM Knights Conference (virtual)

Dec 2020

Hosted by the SIAM student chapter at the University of Central Florida (UCF)

Mathematical Models for Prediction and Control of Epidemics (virtual)

Aug 2020

Hosted by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)

AIM/MCRN Summer School on Dynamics, Data, and the COVID 19 Pandemic (virtual)

June-July 2020

Hosted at the American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, California.

45th Annual New York Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference (virtual)

Mar 2020

Hosted at Syracuse University.

39th Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations (SEARCDE)

Oct 2019

Hosted at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.

NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conference: Fitting Smooth Functions to Data

Aug 2019

Hosted at the University of Texas at Austin.

Visit to Université Lille 1, Département Mathématiques Cité Scientifique, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Dec 2018

Worked with Dr. Guoting Chen.


  • Nathaniel Smith, Anvaya Shiney-Ajay, Emmanuel Fleurantin, Ivo Pasmans, Investigating Ocean Circulation Dynamics Through Data Assimilation: A Mathematical Study Using the Stommel Box Model with Rapid Oscillatory Forcings. Submitted, 2024. (pdf here)


  • Julie Sherman, Christian Sampson, Emmanuel Fleurantin, Zhimin Wu, Christopher K.R.T. Jones, A Data Driven Study of the Drivers of Stratospheric Circulation via Reduced Order Modeling and Data Assimilation. Meteorology, 2024; 3(1):1-35, doi: 10.3390/meteorology3010001. (pdf here)

  • Emmanuel Fleurantin, Katherine Slyman, Blake Barker, Christopher K.R.T. Jones, A Dynamical Systems Approach for Most Probable Escape Paths over Periodic Boundaries. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 454:133860, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.physd.2023.133860. (pdf here)

  • Emmanuel Fleurantin, Christian Sampson, Daniel Paul Maes, Justin Bennett, Tayler Fernandes-Nunez, Sophia Marx and Geir Evensen , A study of disproportionately affected populations by race/ethnicity during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic using multi-population SEIR modeling and ensemble data assimilation, Foundations of Data Science, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 479-541 (2021), doi: 10.3934/fods.2021022. (pdf here)

  • Maciej J. Capinski, Emmanuel Fleurantin, Jason D. Mireles-James, Computer Assisted Proofs of Two-Dimensional Attracting Invariant Tori for ODEs, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 2020, doi: 10.3934/dcds.2020162. (pdf here)

  • Emmanuel Fleurantin, Jason D. Mireles James, Resonant Tori, Transport Barriers, and Chaos in a Vector Field with a Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 85, 2020, 105226, ISSN 1007-5704, doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2020.105226. (pdf here)

  • Catherine I. Berrouet, Jacob Nadulek, Emmanuel Fleurantin, Sunil Giri, Katarzyna A. Rejniak, Necibe Tuncer, A Mathematical Model Based on IC50 Curves To Predict Tumor Responses to Drugs, OURI FAU undergraduate journal Vol 7, pp. 18–32, Spring 2018 edition. (pdf here)

Current Research Projects

  • Counting Gap Eigenstates for the Perturbed 3D Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation by a Maslov Index, with Jeremy Marzuola and Christopher K.R.T. Jones.

  • 3D Printing of Invariant Manifolds in Dynamical Systems, with Evelyn Sander and Julia Seay.

  • Most Probable Escape Paths for Intermediate Noise Regimes for a Stochastic Carbon Cycle System, with Katherine Slyman and Christopher K.R.T. Jones.

  • Existence and stability of travelling waves in heterogeneous reaction-diffusion systems with Blake Barker, Matt Holzer and Christopher K.R.T. Jones.

Get in Touch

efleuran@gmu.edu, efleuran@unc.edu

Contact Form